Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I finally make it to practice again!

And then I remember how badly the lighting in there sucks!

It was good to see the boys today, they were having a lot of fun. Unfortunately, whenever I see them having fun at practice, it is after a win or before a loss. Um, they haven't won recently, so my prediction is for a loss tonight. No matter, the fun of this game for me will be booing Crybaby Crosby. That, and testing my stalker skills with Teka. I figure Teka can use me as a homing device...if I start hyperventilating, she will know that we are getting closer to the hockey boys.

Anyhow, for a recap of practice, and some awesome pics, check out ladyneat's blog or Flyers Center where she posts as well. It was great to meet her today and we even switched cameras a couple of times! Of course, when I got home, the only decent pics on my card were the ones she took. Dang! At least she got some good ones of gator!


  1. kristin - if it makes you feel any better (and I'm pretty sure it won't), I don't normally take great pictures of my boys in motion either. Trust me, I try and try... warm-ups? If they would just stand STILL and maybe not directly in front of me, because then all I get is their sweaters. And enormous shoulders.

    But whatever... one day I'll master the photo ops.

  2. Thanks for the kind Words Kristin was great to meet you as well. Would love to see the pics I took. ;)

  3. Finny, I bet you have a lot of great pictures of names on sweaters...I know I do! One of these days, I swear I am going to get a good pic!

    And ladyneat, I posted about 10 pics on my flickr page...I think maybe all but one of them were taken by you!
