Tuesday, February 26, 2008

3.7 seconds, Vinny, Footsberg and gratuitous Gator shot

So I'm just now recovered from Saturday's loss to the Panthers. I fully expected my arch nemesis Olli Jokinen to slay the boys, but Jay Bouwmeester, how could you? You're my favorite Panther! I'm gonna be seeing that goal in my nightmares for weeks to come!

Good news tonight though, as we get a win against the Sabres. Not just a win, but a shootout win and Briere with the game winner! Plus, we get Prospal!

I saw Vinny here last week, and watching him play, with that weird way he skates, I kinda sorta wished he was ours. This means of course, that I will have to drop him from my fantasy team. Anyone wanna trade me? He's been a pretty productive player for me this year, but I'm not allowed to have any Flyers on my fantasy team, what with me being a sports jinx and all!

In other news, Footsberg choo choo chooses the Avs. Jonesy made a good point, saying that Gagne being out for the season was probably a deciding factor there. Who knows. I really didn't think he would come back at all, and only time will tell if his foot/ankle/head is really "better".

Flyers Wives Carnival was yesterday. Check out some great pictures here and here. (Beware...lots of Gator shots and me commenting on Gator shots!!!) Neat said she met Mrs. Gator, but I still refuse to believe she exists. I picture Gator as a sad somber single dad, raising the kids and dog all by himself, but somehow able to muddle through!!! Is that too morbid? I might have to come back later and edit that!!!


  1. Well, you'll be pleased to know that Soph and I met Gator/Zebulon at the Carnival too! I'm working on a full Carnival report (with pictures!) so you can expect that up on our blog soon! Soph and I now have a strange fascination with Gator... perhaps it was his glorious shiner that did us in???

    OMG I totally could see him as a somber single dad! There's a picture of him and his daughters in the program book, and the girls look as tough as he is! We saw Mrs. Smith at the Carnival too, kind of disappointing, as it ruins the "single dad plus bad-ass daughters" image...

  2. Yes, I think we're all better off just pretending there is no Mrs. Gator. We'll all be happier!

  3. Sigh Footsberg...that made me smile :D

  4. LOL!
    You are funny. I can see the image of him but there is a Mrs Gator and she was really awesome talking to me and Karen.
