Monday, March 31, 2008

Attention Yinzers: I'm headed your way!

And I come in peace, although calling you yinzers probably doesn't endear me to you.

That's right, the long awaited Pittsburgh roadtrip is upon us! When I bought my tickets back in December, it seemed like April would never arrive, and now suddenly it's here! Yikes! I should be busy packing, but instead I am writing lame posts for the blog.

A few notes about my former life in Pittsburgh:
I lived in Pittsburgh from 96 to 98
I worked at Three Rivers Stadium
I worked at Bruegger's on Murray Ave
I worked delivering motherfucking gift baskets. worst.effing.job.ever. For real.

For the game on Wednesday night:
I am going to win the Gary Roberts jersey
I will be at the glass
Please do not throw things at me unless they are soft or edible
Taking pictures of me after Pens goals or after we lose is fine, it would be an honor to be "stunned"
I don't hate the Pens, I just hate Cindy

Any suggestions about surviving as a Flyers fan in enemy territory are much appreciated (and no, "go fuck yourself" does not count as helpful advice!)


  1. A couple of bits of advice:

    1. Wear armor. And a helmet, too, if you can scrounge one up.
    2. Bring something shiny to distract them if they start to charge - beer in a can usually works.
    3. If you're going to insult them...use small words. They won't understand the bigger ones, trust me, and it won't be as enjoyable.
    4. Be safe and have fun!!

    Umm...and now I've made myself even less endearing than you have. Mission accomplished! Go in peace, my dear, and don't tell people you talk to a Caps fan. They'll mock you mercilessly.

  2. After being a Flyers fan while living in the 'burgh for a few years, 98-01, here are two things that usually work at Pens/Flyers games in the Igloo (btw, whenever I am there I always think fondly of Sudden Death and keep thinking Jean Claude will come down from the ceiling during the 2nd intermission).

    1. Hold and drink Iron City throughout the game. They are less likely to attack knowing that any precious "arn" will spill.
    2. Should things get frisky, pull on the mullet!

  3. Damn Steve, is there anywhere you haven't lived?

    Okay, so beer, a mullet and shiny objects. I think I can handle that.

  4. Did you survive?

    I'm a Pens fan, but I've travelled to see the team enough to know what it's like to be the enemy. Hope the drunken Burghers weren't too bad! (And I apologize on behalf of my city if they were. They were excited.)
