Saturday, April 19, 2008

A little too little too late...

1. Settle down, it's just one game.
2. CapsChick, you're welcome! Told ya! My road record now stands at an underwhelming 0-2.
3. The Verizon Center is lovely, and Caps fans were nice, but y'all have nothing on the noise the Flyers fans bring.
4. There was no way the Flyers were gonna win today....they don't do well when they are on top. They like a little adversity to overcome...
5. Dear Flyers: Fucking hit someone! Finish a check! Watch how the Caps played today (or how you played in game 2 or 3) and do that!
6. I know how to spell Caps now!
7. I hate when I drive 6 hours round trip and we lose!


  1. Oh that sucks that you went to washington yesterday.

    Hopefully Monday will be a better team.

  2. y'all have nothing on the noise the Flyers fans bring.

    I can blame that either on where you were sitting or those damn Thunderstix, which really make the noise a little more muffled - but I can assure you, watching the game again on DVR and comparing it to games 3 and 4? I think we've got an even battle, if not a slight edge to DC ;)

    Aww, did you like our little "C-A-P-S CAPS CAPS CAPS!" cheer?? I'm glad we could help you learn a new word!

    Oh, I kid, I kid. Seriously, I'm glad you weren't beaten up or anything and I'm sorry your boys couldn't reward a 6 hour round trip with a win. I'm not sure how I'm feeling about tomorrow but if the Flyers come out like they did in the 3rd and the Caps come out like they did in the 1st and 2nd? It's going to be a hell of a game.

  3. cc, the caps fan at work blamed the thundersticks too! He said it was the first time they used em there and people were focusing on those instead of actually cheering!

    And I think we will see a hell of a game least I hope we will!!

  4. I can't believe you were in my 'hood! I wish I would have known. As for the noise levels, I was there at the Carolina game and it was the loudest I have ever heard the Verizon Center, but it was weak compared to the Wach. Besides, it's hard for Caps fans to both cheer and bang their Thundersticks. Did you see Capsman?

  5. unless Capsman is the Geico caveman encouraging fans to "make some noise", then no, I didn't see him.

    Is he the same guy who does the Bears chant? (bearsbearsbearswooooooooooooooooo)

  6. Capsman is some guy that looks a lot like Duffman.

    The Caps do make good use of their fancy scoreboard with all the movie clips and stuff. They must pay a fortune in license deals though. And it's hard not to cheer after a goal when they play the Old School clip with Will Ferrel!
