Monday, May 5, 2008

Crosby Sucks!

[ pegleggedpete ]

I'm not sure if I'm ready to jump into the dark world of evil photoshops, but oh well, it's the Pens, so what can I do?

And get it? Crosby sucks? See what he did there?


  1. I dont know how we are gonna win this series, I think now that the pens are healthy we are gonna have a real tuff time

  2. no negativity! hatcher will destroy crosby early in the series and it'll be smooth sailing from there. also, the picture clearly shows that crosby sucks, so he can't possibly make it to the finals...

  3. @ is going to be tough but it is going to be awesome! these guys are ready for it. I just worry that the long lay off will not work in our favor...we had a lot of momentum going....

    and k-mart, in addition to destroying Crosby, maybe Hatcher will bite Crosby's finger like he did to Zajac earlier this year!

  4. I think you forget that even if you take crosby down....theres a whole lot left. And no offense but dear, go back to crayons cuz you're not ready for the world of photoshopping. :)

  5. somechic, don't worry, I'm not taking the rest of the team for granted. I know the pens have lots of offensive weapons in their arsenal. I just hate that Crosby guy and love to dream about him being injured. I'm sure you feel the same way about some of the Flyers! (hartnell, umberger, briere)

    And actually I have no crayon skills either...this photoshop was outsourced, so you'll have to take it up with pegleggedpete!

  6. yeah...that photoshop was

  7. pete, I enjoyed the photoshop! I thought its crudeness was intentionally funny...
