Sunday, August 17, 2008

Wow, a second post in August!

Well, it's almost time for my annual Crickets and Mums post, but until then, we'll just have to settle for some Metal Mania and Phelps Phever. (See, I'm in Philly, so I can spell fever with a "ph" if I want to.)

I've been working a lot lately, and taking pictures when I have free time, and that has pretty much left me with little or no energy to post over here. I've been posting on my other blog, but that is not ready for primetime yet, so you'll just have to wait.

I don't usually care for the Olympics, and before last week, Michael Phelps was a name I heard other girls squee about quite a bit, but I had no idea what all the fuss was about. Well, here it is 7 days later and I am fully on board with fish boy. Pretty much rushed home from work one night so I could watch him get number 6. Now that his run is over, what am I going to watch? Track and field? I think probably not.

Okay, my upstairs Tivo is acting a fool, and won't switch over to Metal Mania for me, so I guess I will have to go downstairs and catch a few videos....

I hate August!


  1. Now that his run is over, what am I going to watch? Track and field? I think probably not.

    My thoughts exactly! I am definitely not a track and field girl... I wish swimming lasted the whole two weeks! What is going to top Michael Phelps' medal run in terms of excitement? I'm thinking not much...

  2. For one, I am tired of seeing and hearing that freaky boy on my tv 24/7! haha.

    Speaking of mums, I need your advice on some landscaping/garden stuff, I think!!!

    And the Caps just released package deals for the next season and 'my guy' says that preseason tix will go on sale next week. Oct 4 the Flyers come down here. You making the road trip?

  3. Oh yeah, you have the house now, eh? Got some landscaping to do? You should head over to

    They have some good links over there.

    As far as road trips, I'm still a little gun shy after my 0-2 roadtrip record. I guess it's just preseason though, so maybe I'll try to work something out. You gonna be there?

  4. I already got my tix and my gang rape wounds from Ticketmaster.

  5. Did you get a package or just one game? I guess you only got the one game, if you had to pay Ticketmaster fees. That's part of the reason I got the whole season this year, so I don't have to pay 25 bucks on top of everything. It gets pretty ridiculous.

  6. I did get a package, but it was only a 6 game deal; The Old Patrick Division Package. Kind of cool actually. Anyways, so I had to buy the preseason tix seperate, but now wish I would have just had "my guy" get them for me.
