Wednesday, July 2, 2008

buh bye ruutu and hossa!


It's even funnier that it is Ruutu to the Sens!



  1. HA! That cracked me up, excellent find. And I love that you are enjoying this as much as I am ;)

  2. it smells like fish in here.

  3. Really? Weird. Smells like troll to me, ew.

  4. @capschick

    lol. Nicely put.

    Otherwise, I find it rather hilarious that Hossa went to Detroit. "If you can't be 'em, join 'em."

  5. We decided we hadn't rubbed in the victory QUITE enough yet - there needed to be a little salt :P

  6. The best part is pens fans are all "oh whatever, it's just hossa."

    heh. like it doesn't hurt!

  7. They have Satan now, so it's obvious that Pittsburgh has cut a deal with the devil in order to win a cup. I will have further details on my blog at a less inebriated time.

  8. tear :( - that's for ruutu - hossa can suck it!

  9. Is this blog named after a guy who isn't even on the team anymore? And you think you have standing to job anyone?

    Have fun with all of your new top-flight free agents.

  10. I sense a lot of Pens fans posting anonymously (can't figure out that blogger sign up page yet!) since they know their team has been regulated back to a 6th seed in the East at best next season!

    But on to more important matters, seriously, wtf is up with all our defensemen and draft picks? I still think we are going to do a big trade before the season starts.

  11. Yeah Steve, I think Homer is piling them up and he is going to trade them in for a real player. At least that is what I am hoping...
