Thursday, July 17, 2008

Oh happy day!

the picture doesn't really do it justice....

Oh man, what a great day! They release the schedule for next season! They post the schedule and participants for rookie camp! And, I finally get my custom Flyers messenger bag from reload bags. Plus, I am home again!!!!!

Doesn't get much better than that!

oooh...also when I got home and was going through my mail, I got my season ticket holder info for next year! WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!


  1. Kristin, that bag is AMAZING--it's beeeeautiful!

  2. Wow, how much was that? I might have to get one. That's awesome.

  3. um, yeah. it was like a lot k-mart, more than I care to admit publicly. let's just say you could probably get a decent amount of flyers tickets instead!

  4. Kristin, which size did you get? And it's freakin' awesome...congrats!

  5. Nadine, I had forgotten that you were there with me on that fateful night when I first saw a custom reload bag! If it weren't for you I never would have gone over to ask that girl where she got hers!

    I got the small civilian, which in all honesty, is still too big. But it is a tiny bit smaller than the one we saw in person...

  6. Still think you'll be searched by security at the games with the smaller-ish bag?

  7. Oh yeah, it will definitely get searched, but I'm used to that with the camera bag anyhow. I'm not positive as to whether or not I will actually bring it to games. Might be too cumbersome!
