Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I didn't want to reveal this but...

You leave me no choice but to reveal my true reasons for rooting for the Sabres.

Teams I cheer for generally lose. I was not a Flyers fan until the end of the 2005-2006 season...they choked big in the playoffs. I bought a gameplan for this year...worst record in history. Before my affair with hockey, I had a brief fling with Phillies baseball...they sucked too.

So see Margee, by cheering for Buffalo, I was ensuring an Islanders win.

But now that I revealed my secret, I dunno if it will work.


  1. I guess I'll take you back. The Islanders season is over and I have nothing left. All that make-up blogging has wooed me back!

  2. I think you are delusional from the loss and all those crazy hours you work. But hey, I'll take it any way I can get it!

  3. Awww, Kristin just own the Buffalo love. It's okay! Really, it is.

  4. I hate the Phillies.....they won against my Reds 2 days in a row.....

  5. Bethany, I hate the Phillies too! I'm sorry your Reds had to lose to the crappiest team ever!

    Heather, if you think I am going to risk another breakup, you're crazy!
