Saturday, March 1, 2008

A few notes from this week...

* Twizzlers do not taste good right after you brush your teeth

* Ryan Parent is growing a Gator beard, while Gator seems to be shaving every day

* I love watching hockey when it is between two teams I am not attached to

* I love watching Brodeur get scored on

* Is it too early or too late to climb on the Habs bandwagon? Cause damn, they look amazing right now

* It's March. There are only 17 games left. Yikes.

Tough week ahead...


  1. I'm sorry that the post was so long! Can you tell I want to be a novelist? ;)

    Oh, I am a TOTAL spaz around players I like! It's kind of ridiculous... At least Soph and I make a good team because she's usually calm and I'm usually hyperventilating! Per your request, though, Soph and I are going to try to put up some more pictures!

    Oh, and bleh, I hate eating things after I brush my teeth. So gross!

  2. Dude I'm so on the Habs bandwagon. I love them all the time, though, so I don't know if it counts as bandwagoning.

  3. I agree I would rather watch teams I have no interest in if the Flyers are not on
