Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So there's a game today or something...

Mmmmmm, baked Iceburgh...

It's hard not to get excited for a game like this. Pens are in a bit of a slump right now, but I'm sure playing against Hartnell will bring out their douchey best. Poor guy better skate like there's a target on his back.

For actual previews and whatnot, check out the usual crew:
Pensblog....undergoing construction, not sure if they will have a gameday post up or not.
Frozen Fan...nothing up yet, maybe later today.
Four Habs Fans...oh wait, that one's for me
Empty Netters...lots of great links
and of course, those crazy boyz over at FGSB. I think they eat crazy for breakfast just like Scottie Upshall

I'll be at the game of course. Any requests for pictures? I'm going to try and actually take some this time. Haha!


  1. Tonight should be great! Please get a picture of Mike Richards punching Crosby for everyone please :)
