Friday, January 16, 2009


Well, I was gonna post some links to Thrashers blogs (yes they do exist), but it looks like none of them have been updated since the news of Kovalchuk getting the C. Um, yeah, so your only star player was just last week made Captain? Seems a little odd to me, but what the heck do I know?

Um, oops, wait a second, we're playing Florida tonight? Oh shit? I should start this post over, but the fact that I really thought we were playing the Thrash is just too funny. I was even convinced that Nitty was gonna get the start! I guess I am off by a week or so.


The good news to report out of Florida is that my nemesis, Olli Jokinen, doesn't play for them anymore! Yay for me! The bad news is that Jay Bouwmeester seems to have taken up Flyer killing duties in his absence. Oh well. Let's see if there are any Panthers blogs out there...

um, okay, I guess this technically qualifies, but really, Litter Box Cats? Huh. Looks like they have a pretty good preview if you wanna check it out. I'm too tired right now to understand why there is a picture of Yoda in the post. Maybe I'll read it after my nap.

There's also Panthers on the Prowl and Cat Scratch. Yeesh. Look, I know my blog has a ridiculous name, but all these cat puns are out of control.

Okay kids, that's all for now. Off for a nap and then some Mario Kart during the game. You didn't think I was going to watch the guys suck for three games in a row, did you?!?

1 comment:

  1. Wow I haven't visited your site in a loooong time. Digging the new color scheme though. It looks good.
