Sunday, October 21, 2007

oh stalkercam, you have failed me

It's great...if I change all my pics to black and white, they don't look half bad!


  1. Fiddle with the color/contrast balance a little.. it may make Briere look a little less orange... or that may just be his natural Oompa Loompa gene coming out.

    (also check out my Bears pics! Aww Fluffy! I heart you!)

    I'm thinking of seeing if I can abuse press privleges to get into the photo box one slow night, so we'll see how well the Stalkercam 80000000 holds up under pressure.

  2. Actually, the top pic I think I desaturated, that is why it looks all weird.

    Truthfully, garbage in equals garbage out, and I really don't have any sort of photographic skills. Sort of like Cocoa and his life skills...

  3. if I change all my pics to black and white, they don't look half bad!

    That's what I always say about my pictures!!! That's why I usually take more B/W pics than color ones. I've had my little digicam for over 3 years so I probably should figure out how to use it properly.
