Friday, April 17, 2009

Flyers get ready for loss number two, I get ready for a long nap.

I have no plans to watch tonight's Flyers game. I'm in need of sleep, and I am going to take a long nap and not set my alarm. So there. Take that Flyers! If you're not going to show up for the game, neither am I!


  1. I know the flyers lost :( but i wish you did get to watch it, the Flyers played the best I have ever seen them play ever, we were doing amazing we were in the lead most of the game, it went into a 20 min overtime, and penguins scored with 1:30 left in the ot, the problem is that the Flyers played there best. i dont think we have a chance to make it further in the playoffs.

  2. Didn't see the game but at least they didn't get blown out of the water this time....

  3. Bwaaah those kittens are cute. And I'm sorry guys, but it's my fault the Pens scored. I was so bored and fed up with that lameass overtime which felt like it was going to go one for 3 days, that I just stood up and yelled "WILL SOMEONE PLEASE SCORE AND END THIS SHIT!?" and fucking Guerin pulled a weaksauce goal out of his arse. What a crap ending. Very, very sorry...
