Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day Three As A Devils Fan: Oops!

Jim McIsaac/Getty Images
My favorite Devil makes a splendid save!

Oh crap, there was a game yesterday? I forgot to watch it! But we won, so...*yay*! I'm so happy that my new favorite team is on such a wonderful winning streak!!


  1. I see the experiment is going well, then? haha

  2. I don't like this new, improved, Devils fan Kristin.

    She doesn't post enough pictures of Gator. (Hm, actually, I have one of Gator's Devils cards from when he was tiny...)

  3. Elise, it's going well, except for this uncomfortable feeling I have. Sorta like wearing a sweater that is too small. And that I got out of the trash. And that has a Devils logo on it.

    And Steph, I forgot Gator was a Devil! Ewwwwww! Wait, I mean yay! Wait, this is too confusing for me!

    And I should have new Gator pics on Friday...I've been neglecting him while the west coast teams were here. Perhaps that is the reason for the 137 game losing streak?
