Sunday, July 20, 2008

metal mania and rookie camp grumpiness!

Dag! I forgot to watch Metal Mania last night! The heat must have finally gotten to my brain! Anyone out there have a recap for me? Anyhow, I'm in the mood for a little Poison, even though I have to stress that they are not *really* metal. I love this video because of CC's antics, and Bret telling him, "CC, pick up that guitar and talk to me!"

I went to rookie camp this morning, but a lack of caffeine and a general grumpiness on my part resulted in no pictures for you! I will be there during the week, when it is less crowded, so I should be able to get some shots then. I'll post a link later to Nicole's pics, since she was there with Erica shooting up a storm.

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see some pics... wish I could go myself
